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Mandatory setup


Same documentation for all related projects like Agent App

Run an existing flutter project on IDE​

You can generate app icon from this website https://app

  • Go to <project>/assets/image/ and replace logo.png with your own logo.
  • Then go to /android/app/src/main/res and replace all mipmap folder with your <generated icon>/android folder.
  • Again go to /ios/Runner and replace Assets.xcassets with your generated Assets.xcassets folder.

Recommended tutorial is below πŸ‘‡

Change App Name​

  1. You need to set your app name in three different place. Open <project>/lib/util/app_constrants.dart and set the value of APP_NAME

    static const String APP_NAME = β€˜My App’;
  2. Change the value of label from <project>/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

     android:label="My App"
  3. Change the value of CFBundleName from <project>/iOS/Runner/info.plist

    <string>My App</string>

    Recommended tutorial is below πŸ‘‡

Change Base URL​

Must remember that don’t put slash(/) at the end of your base url. Use your admin url as base url. First you have to install your admin panel. For example: If your admin url is then base url will be Open /lib/util/app_constrants.dart and replace BASE_URL variable value with your own URL.

static const String BASE_URL = '';

Recommended tutorial is below πŸ‘‡

Change App Package​

First you have to find out the existing package name. You can find it out from top of /app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file. Now right click on project folder from android studio and click on replace in path. You will get a popup window with two input box. In first box you have to put existing package name that you saw in AndroidManifest.xml file previously and write down your preferred package name in second box and then click on Replace All button.


Recommended tutorial is below πŸ‘‡

Setup Firebase for Push Notification​

First you have to change your package name. If you didn’t then follow this.

  • Create your own firebase project from and also add an android app there with your own package name and app name.


    Do not create multiple project if you have multiple app like User App, Delivery App. Create only one project and add multiple app under project.

  • Click register app and download google-services.json file from there.

  • Copy that file and paste it under <project>/android/app/ folder.

  • Create a totally white png logo for notification icon. Paste it on <project>/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/ and replace notification_icon.png with your whiter version logo.

  • For IOS again create an app under same project and download GoogleService-Info.plist and paste it under <project>/iOS/ folder. Also follow this documentation for full setup for IOS:

  • Paste firebase server key in admin panel Notification Settings section. You can get server key from Firebase project settings->Cloud Messaging->Server Key.

After your setup please restart your IDE and uninstall your previously installed app then run it. Also don’t try to test it on emulator or simulator. Emulator and simulators are unable to get push. Use real device in this case.


Recommended tutorial is below πŸ‘‡